About us

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At the Settlement Centre, our objective is to assist families to take a more considered approach to the separation process, retaining their ability to make choices for themselves and moving more quickly into new, settled lives.

We focus our practice on resolving disputes in the fastest, most amicable and most affordable way. In general, this means avoiding recourse to the Courts.

Our founder, Libby Reardon, is a creative problem solver and experienced family lawyer who has chosen to focus her practice on non-adversarial dispute resolution and settlement. She is a trained Collaborative Family Lawyer, trained Independent Children’s Lawyer, Parenting Coordinator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner accredited under the Attorney Generals Department.

Libby is a member of the following professional associations:

Law Council of Australia - Family Law Section

ACT Law Society

Family Law Pathways Network - ACT & Region

Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals

Collaborative Professionals NSW

Canberra Collaborative Family Lawyers

Mediation Institute

Parenting Coordination Australia